List of Turkish Legal Attorneys in Bodrum

The Testament in Bodrum Turkey

The statutory inheritance law is not tailored to the individual case and is therefore full of unpleasant surprises in the event of a case. If you don’t do anything, it will happen the way you don’t want it to. It is important to think ahead and consider carefully. This must not be a question of age or a question of costs. So young people, especially young families with underage children and property ownership, should regulate their inheritance as a precaution, because it is not the case that the surviving spouse alone automatically inherits everything. This also applies to registered or unregistered partnerships. The legal succession can be changed by a will. This means that it is also in your hands to consider people who are particularly close to you. Only a notarized copy of testament helps if it is guaranteed to be correct. In contrast to the handwritten testament, it offers maximum legal security at minimal cost. The testament can be drawn up as a single or joint will, as a spouse’s will, in private or in front of a notary. A comprehensive factual assessment is essential. This is how you should record personal, family and economic relationships in a will. Use our experience.
The private testament must be handwritten and must have the date, place and signature. The joint testament can only be drawn up by spouses or registered same-sex partners.

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