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Testament and Inheritance Contract in Bodrum Turkey

The will must be handwritten and signed. Otherwise this is not valid. According to the related provisions of the Turkish Civil Code, the deceased can, in agreement with the heirs, order or agree on conditions and legacies during his lifetime, on which the type of inheritance and its actual implementation depend. This paragraph regulates the so-called inheritance contract. Liability for heirs may arise in certain circumstances, for example if the deceased bequeathed items and these are encumbered with a loan.

Inheritance Law and Family Law in Bodrum Turkey

Inheritance law is partly linked to family law. Thus, the spouse can request the gain from the marriage instead of the inheritance, which in turn is increased by a smaller proportion of the inheritance according to the related provisions of the Turkish Civil Code. As a rule, the legal inheritance of the living spouse is increased by 25 percent of the inheritance. Surviving spouses regularly opt for the regulation, which promises more inheritance in individual cases.
Heirs abroad: Complicated legal situations generally require legal assistance.
According to corresponding estimates, approx. 10 -15 percent of inheritance cases in the Republic of Turkey now have a certain international reference. Be it because of a bank account, maybe also because of a property abroad or because a Turkish couple married in another country or one of the spouses does not come from Turkey. The fact is also relevant in this regard, since each country has its own statutory provisions and regulations with regard to inheritance law, the topic of inheriting abroad or with a foreign connection harbors numerous pitfalls. Which country-specific law is used depends essentially on the following criteria :
From the domicile or place of residence of the corresponding testator at the time of death, on the respective nationality of the testator and from the location or location of the assets.

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