Bodrum Power of Attorneys Formality

NATIONALIZATION / CONDEMNATION: to draw up a statement in favour of condemner authority for all immovable we posses or will posses, which are subject to condemnation in the borders of Turkish Republic and to request, to collect and to collect the values from the cash desks of the competent offices, to release the wished parts or the wholes of the immovable with or without values to wished authorities and municipalities, in this relation to make the necessary transactions, and to release.

CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT ON A FLAT FOR LAND BASIS: to conclude and sign construction contract on flat-for-land basis and preliminary contracts for sale as contractor in relation with all immovable in the borders of Turkish Republic on time he wants, in form and conditions he wants, with persons, companies, private and legal persons he wants, to fix and appoint the basis of agreement, penal clauses, amount of agreement as he wants, to issue, to correct, to prolong, to put additional clauses, when necessary to cancel, to release, to conclude new agreements, to make additional and amendment agreements, to make a commentary for the made agreements at related directorates of land registry, to remove the commentaries, to cancel, shortly to represent our company with whole authority in these matters, to sign all kind of official bills in this regard, to pay taxes, duties and fees, to collect overdeposited values, to cash and to release.

to verify the zoning status of all kind of immovable we posses and will posses in the border of Turkish Republic, to make the implementing zoning status and the modifications of the zoning status, to abdicate according the zoning status the parts to be abdicated for public aims (streets, green field, ets) to the municipality and for public advantage with or without value, to make border corrections, to agree value decreases and increases, to release abdicates, parceling, uniting, discriminating, making the transaction for dividing, developing from the street, to get land registry bills in this way, to establish and to register all kind of easement transactions with or without value (for or against), to sigh the registrations and documents, which have to be signed at the land register offices, to make all kind of constructions on this immovable, to legalize the plans and projects in this respect, to modify, to correct, to get segment, cadaster, section, landmark layout, to get calamity license for base upper and below, to get zoning status, to request and take over the construction licenses, to follow up the transactions at municipalities, governorships, districts, special provincial offices, land registries, directorates at land cadaster, fiscal directorates, national estate offices, directorate of province planning authority, directorate of province agriculture, directorate of province environs and forest, public highways, rural -services, tax offices, water board, electricity board (TEDAŞ, MEDAŞ, AYDEM, TEİAŞ), Technical Services, Development Directorates, Board of Cultural and Natural Properties, Directorate of museums, Chamber of Architecture and Engineers, shortly all related official authorities, to follow up the transactions, to give and take over the documents by hand and to get copies,

SPECIMEN SIGNATURE Sworn Clerk NAME SURNAME on behalf of the

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