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Legal Consequences of Marriage in Bodrum Turkey

According to the Turkish law, the marriage establishes rights and obligations between the spouses. Some of these are: – entitlement to the conjugal community under the management of a common household – key power as the ability to carry out legally binding business for the spouse to cover everyday life requirements – entitlement to spousal support – determination of a common family name – justification of the conjugal gain community if no other Property regime has been agreed – Marital children are common children – common custody – privileged inheritance status of the spouse is established – social security and tax privileges are possible – legitimate marriage can only be ended during the spouse’s lifetime by judicial judgment.

The Spouse’s Society in Bodrum Turkey

The jointly built company belongs only to one spouse? Thanks to the spouse’s company, the divorce is fair, despite the separation of property !
A spouse who has been instrumental in setting up a business of the other spouse does not have to go away empty-handed in the event of a separation of property, because this is where the spouse’s society often comes into play.
It happens again and again that in a marriage one spouse founds a company by his name and that the other spouse has planned and determinedly built it up over the years, e.g. through his cooperation.
If the spouses conclude a written employment contract for the cooperation of a spouse, the rights and obligations between the spouses are generally determined according to this. Then the activity of the employed spouse is subordinate. He is bound to the other spouse as his employer.

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