Author page: bodrtra

Bodrum Legal Advices Firm

Bodrum Legal Attorneys may provide training services for partners and managers of client companies when needed. Services are provided for the purpose of informing the management and employees of the company about the legal issues and responsibilities of the New Turkish Commercial Code, the New Turkish Code of Obligations and…

Bodrum Legal Advisors Service

In this regard, international private law basically determines which existing legal system will be used on a case-by-case basis. In practice, legal conflicts between the individual states often arise in this regard. With regard to the topic of heirs abroad, the nationality of the testator is in principle decisive for…

Bodrum Law Consultancy Firms

The building contract must be differentiated from the so-called building contract. The construction contract is characterized in that the building contractor performs his services on the property or on the property of the customer. The developer, on the other hand, sells a total service from the building and the property.…

Bodrum Law Consultancy Firm

The following tasks are legally relevant for economic support are as follows : * Application for funding. * Financing planning of the construction project. * Consideration of tax structuring options. * Determination of the best price or the best conditions. * Determination of the profitability of yield objects. * Processing…

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