Tag: Bodrum Turkish Immigration Consulting

Bodrum Online Residence Administration

During controlling, persons regarding whom a acceptable control is necessary can just be held for max. 4 hours. During this time, the foreign citizens such as British citizens, English citizens, United Kingdom citizens, Irish citizens, Belgian citizens, Netherland citizens, French citizens, Russian citizens, Austrian citizens, Saudi Arabian citizens, Afghan citizens,…

Immigration to Turkey Bodrum

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR FOREIGN NATIONALS LIVING IN BODRUM TURKEY – Entrance into our country and leave from the Republic of Turkey are by way of the boundaries with a valid international passport or travel document. – The foreign nationals residing at Güvercinlik, Yalıçiftlik, Mumcular, Kızılağaç, Torba, Gündoğan, Gölköy, Türkbükü, Yalıkavak,…

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