Sworn Translation in Bodrum

Main languages of our sworn translation service in Bodrum and at the surrounding areas;

1st class languaes: French, English, German and Russian

2nd class languages: Romen, Azerbaijanese, Bulgarian, Italian, Arabic, Ottoman Turkish, Moldovian

3rd class languages: Perisan (Farsi), Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian

4th class languages: Greek, Ukranian, Albanian, Belarusian, Flemish, Dutch, Swedish, Spanish, Kazakh, Kurdish, Macedonian

5th class languages: Polenese, Polish, Slovak, Portuguese, Abkhazian, Kirghiz, Latin, Hungarian, Nepalese (Nepali), Norwegian, Uzbek Language

6th class languages: Catalanian, Malay, Welsh, Tajiki, Mongolian, Turkoman, Urdu, Uigur, Indonesian, Bengali, Pushtu(Pashto), Armenian, Ethiopian Language, Indian, Icelandic

7th class languages: Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Slovenian, Tai Language, Vietnamese, Letonian, Chinese, Finnish, Georgian, Hebrew …….

Languages of our sworn translation and interpretation services in Bodrum ;

Sworn English Translation in Bodrum, German Sworn Interpretation in Bodrum, French Translation in Bodrum, Sworn Dutch Interpretation in Bodrum, Estonian Translation in Bodrum, Finnish Interpretation in Bodrum, Hungarian Translation in Bodrum, Danish Sworn Interpretation in Bodrum, Icelandic Sworn Translation in Bodrum, Sworn Norwegian Interpretation in Bodrum, Swedish Sworn Translation in Bodrum, Sworn Bulgarian Interpretation in Bodrum, Sworn Belarusian Language Translation in Bodrum, Sworn Croation Translation in Bodrum, Czech Language Sworn Translation in Bodrum, Macedonian Sworn Interpretation in Bodrum, Polish Sworn Translation in Bodrum, Sworn Russian Translation in Bodrum, Latvia Language Sworn Translation in Bodrum, Lithuanian Sworn Translation in Bodrum, Sworn Serbisch Translation in Bodrum, Sworn Slovakian Interpretation in Bodrum, Ukrainian Sworn Translation in Bodrum

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