Administrative Law in Bodrum Turkey The Turkish judicial system makes a general distinction between private civil matters and issues related to the government or state and its administrative units. Accordingly, disputes between individuals or companies with government agencies and regulations relating to issues such as customs, zoning, state sanctions and…
The counterpart is provided by the corporate forms provided for under civil law, which have no merchant status. If a partner leaves a partnership or a corporation with the exception of a public limited company, the value of his participation must be paid to him. Whether a statutory limitation of…
Bodrum Legal Attorneys may provide training services for partners and managers of client companies when needed. Services are provided for the purpose of informing the management and employees of the company about the legal issues and responsibilities of the New Turkish Commercial Code, the New Turkish Code of Obligations and…
A common will is binding With the joint will, it is sufficient that the text is only handwritten and signed by one spouse / life partner, while the other one signs it. It should be noted that a common will has a binding effect in many cases. The survivor can…
The Testament in Bodrum Turkey The statutory inheritance law is not tailored to the individual case and is therefore full of unpleasant surprises in the event of a case. If you don’t do anything, it will happen the way you don’t want it to. It is important to think ahead…
One in four Turkish citizens dies earlier than their statistical life expectancy. There is often no provision for inheritance law. The surviving spouse or children remain unsecured, have to process the legacy for a long time, and in the end are probably left with nothing. But even those who are…
Testament and Inheritance Contract in Bodrum Turkey The will must be handwritten and signed. Otherwise this is not valid. According to the related provisions of the Turkish Civil Code, the deceased can, in agreement with the heirs, order or agree on conditions and legacies during his lifetime, on which the…
The Legal Basis of Inheritance Law in Bodrum Turkey Inheritance law is regulated in particular by the Turkish Civil Code. This provides that the property of a deceased person is automatically transferred to the closest relatives, such as the children. If there is a spouse, half of them inherit, the…
The building contract must be differentiated from the so-called building contract. The construction contract is characterized in that the building contractor performs his services on the property or on the property of the customer. The developer, on the other hand, sells a total service from the building and the property.…
The following tasks are legally relevant for economic support are as follows : * Application for funding. * Financing planning of the construction project. * Consideration of tax structuring options. * Determination of the best price or the best conditions. * Determination of the profitability of yield objects. * Processing…