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Tax Planning Services in Bodrum Turkey Bodrum Turkish Tax Lawyers have an extensive experience in a variety of tax-related matters. Bodrum Turkish Tax Attorneys may offer companies to structure their operating models so that they become more tax efficient. The services of Bodrum Turkish Tax Solicitors include supporting clients in…

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Telecommunications and Information Technologies Law in Bodrum Turkey Telecommunications laws and regulations is one of the strengths of Bodrum Turkish Law Office. Bodrum Turkish Law Firm offer a wide range of legal services for clients in the telecommunications industry. Bodrum Turkish Lawyers support all foreign clients such as British, English,…

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The relevant services in the franchising and sales category of Bodrum Investment Lawyers include the preparation, negotiation and implementation of franchise sales, manufacturing, supply and license agreements, support with the purchase or sale of a franchise system or a s ingle franchise unit, franchise and sales management for mergers and…

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Bodrum Energy Attorneys are also one of the few law firms in Bodrum Turkey that have contributed to projects for renewable energies specifically for the procurement of wind turbines and the construction of wind farms. Bodrum Attorneys-At-Law handle all aspects of transactions, regulatory processes and litigation in the energy market.…

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E-Commerce Services in Bodrum Turkey In addition to our services, which cover the requirements of regular (offline) companies, Bodrum Commercial Lawyer also offers various industry-specific services for online and e-commerce companies. Bodrum Commercial Lawyers support electronic publishers, online advertisers, social media platforms, online entertainment and gaming providers, internet software companies,…

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Restructuring Services in Bodrum Turkey The Legal Lawyer in Bodrum mainly offers its customers two different types of restructuring services. The first is that corporate organizations redefine their operational and legal structure for growth, efficiency, or for specific transactional purposes such as mergers and acquisitions or joint ventures. As part…

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