Bodrum Solicitors for Inheritance and Will

Phase 3 : The implementation phase
We will send you the contract structure we have drawn up in writing as a draft. So you can help shape the contract and make requests for changes. Only after you have approved the draft contract will we send the contract structure to the other party. We constantly check whether the original framework conditions still apply. At the same time, we will tell you what costs you will have to pay. In the meantime, the opposing party has the opportunity – usually within a period of two to three weeks that we set – to accept or reject the proposals. However, it can also take up these and make its own suggestions.

Phase 4 : The negotiation phase
Now there are about two to three hours of talks with the other side. Sometimes it takes several conversations to stake out positions. If we reach an agreement with the counterparty, we first make a final verbal agreement, a kind of declaration of intent that will only take effect later. Only when we cannot reach an agreement will we suggest that you initiate legal proceedings. We explain the process, the costs and the respective risks that you have to expect. Before and not after.

Phase 5 : The implementation phase
If an agreement is reached out of court, we first fix this agreement in writing. The agreement is drawn up as a notarial deed. In the presence of both parties, the agreement is finally certified and enters into force.

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