Bodrum Power of Attorneys Formalities

to represent you at all council of courts and relevant offices/authorities within the boundaries of the Turkish Republic and in any rank and capacity/title in case of any oncoming or current law suits because of written matters/issues in this power of attorney and the other aspect, to assure to defend- protect my rights, to follow all applicable/acceptable transactions in order to defend/advocate and protect me, to complete/fulfill and conclude the required processes, to litigate/sue again, to improve- reclaim the lawsuits/court cases, to prepare petitions and documents with his own signature in order to give/submit them to the relevant bureaus/offices and governmental agencies, to arrange/issue and accept official notifications/written warnings, to perfom judgements of an attachment executive, arrestment and precaution, to provide/arrange and cancel /annul precautions and distraint/confiscation, to demand judgement statements and their corrections, to waive/give up to take an appellate procedure,
Roll No. 02677

to represent me at the Supreme Court of Appeals and the Council of State and the other relevant administrative buildings and demand/ask for a day/date of court, to have the judgement corrected and ask/request for a new exercise of jurisdiction, to record the witnesses, accept or refuse an offer of a vow during the hearing/court, to refuse or complain about the judges or clerks, to appoint, retain, constitude a court expert, accountant or an arbitrator, to demand for an exploration/discovery report, to object- oppose the reports and set a determination, to arrange/issue written warnings, written notices and protests and reply them, to provide in order to exercise/carry out in all of written judgments or written copies of a court decision, to demand for you to stay outside of the court/lawsuit, to attend to the courts/lawsuits that happen out of you, to collect and receive, to compromise and release, to give a statement of renounce and accept it, to release/waive the court case, to provide a reconciliation and remission of a debt, to accept/agree the refusal of a court case, to release/waive the court case and follow-up procedures, to continue to follow the enforcement/execution proceedings, to compromise, accept/agree and refuse according to the articles 253, 254 and 255 of the code of penal procedure, to appoint, assign and remove third parties/others with some or all of these powers

This written record has been handed over to be read by himself. He read it. He declared, that the written matters are according to his wish, so it was signed by the related person and me and has been sealed. Second day of april, two thousand and twelve. 02.04.2012.

This specimen is the same as the original with the same date and journal number, which is kept in the office file.

APPOINTOR : GIVEN NAME & SURNAME acting as the representative of
Turkish ID number : 00077460000


LEGAL BASIS : It is seen that GIVEN NAME & SURNAME (with his ID number 00077460000) the chairman of the executive board of Çağdaş Holding (Incorporated Company) Anonim Şirketi named company is severally authorized to represent the company according to the list of authorized signatures issued on 28.11.2011 with the document number 11206 at the 5th Notary Office of Bodrum. This legal basis has been annexed according to the 79th article of the Notary Public Law.

This specimen is the same as the original with the same
date and journal number, which is kept in the office file.

Sworn Clerk NAME SURNAME on behalf of the

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