Bodrum Legal Advisors Services

One in four Turkish citizens dies earlier than their statistical life expectancy. There is often no provision for inheritance law. The surviving spouse or children remain unsecured, have to process the legacy for a long time, and in the end are probably left with nothing. But even those who are granted old age often fail to make any regulations – for fear of making mistakes. So that your family does not get that far, you should seek expert advice at an early stage. The feeling that you have regulated everything for yourself and your descendants, including a power of attorney or a living will, can be very relieving. The feeling that you have regulated everything for yourself and your descendants, including a power of attorney or a living will, can be very relieving. Talk to us, we will be happy to send you the preliminary draft proxy and living will, which will show you individual, customized guidelines right from the start.

The Power of Attorney in Bodrum Turkey

Who should make which decisions when suddenly and unexpectedly you are no longer able to take care of your own affairs ?
If this is not regulated, the local court acts in the event of a case by appointing a lawyer or supervisor. She / he then carries out the legal transactions for the incapable person. The district court is in no way bound to suggestions or requests from those affected or relatives regarding the person of the caregiver.
The power of attorney is mandatory in the form of a notary if property matters need to be regulated. For this reason alone, all “Internet power of attorney” or standard forms for real estate transactions or other legal transactions requiring formal form are worthless, quite apart from the fact that they are associated with high legal uncertainties anyway.

The Testament in Bodrum Turkey

The statutory inheritance law is not tailored to the individual case and is therefore full of unpleasant surprises in the event of a case. If you don’t do anything, it will happen the way you don’t want it to. It is important to think ahead and consider carefully. This must not be a question of age or a question of costs. So young people, especially young families with underage children and property ownership, should regulate their inheritance as a precaution, because it is not the case that the surviving spouse alone automatically inherits everything. This also applies to registered or unregistered partnerships. The legal succession can be changed by a will. This means that it is also in your hands to consider people who are particularly close to you. Only a notarized copy of testament helps if it is guaranteed to be correct. In contrast to the handwritten testament, it offers maximum legal security at minimal cost. The testament can be drawn up as a single or joint will, as a spouse’s will, in private or in front of a notary. A comprehensive factual assessment is essential. This is how you should record personal, family and economic relationships in a will. Use our experience.
The private testament must be handwritten and must have the date, place and signature. The joint testament can only be drawn up by spouses or registered same-sex partners.

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