Bodrum Health Insurance

This product, which is obligated to United Kingdom, Ireland, Belgium and the Netherlands nationals to obtain a residence permit in Bodrum, covers with exemptions the costs for diagnosis, medical treatment or medication provided in contracted healthcare organisations such as hospitals and policlinics in case the foreign nationals undergo a traffic or work accident or suffer from an illness during the insurance policy period in accordance with the general conditions of Health Insurance section of the insurance policy in the name of United Kingdom, Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands nationals residing in Bodrum as well as with the Legislation on Private Health Insurance and the standards of healthcare organisations in line with these special conditions, and within the scope of the assurances, limits and payment ratios specified in the Policy Coverage table of the private health insurance.

If you purchase your private health insurance policy in Bodrum, it will also be liable in other cities of Turkey and in other districts of Muğla such as Kuşadası, Didim and Milas. In other words, all private health insurance policies purchased in Bodrum are liable all across Turkey.

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