Bodrum Insurance for Residence Document

Which documents foreign nationals are required to submit in the application for universal health insurance in Bodrum ?
– Residence permit,
– Original or copy of the documents given by the relevant foreign country’s social security institution or labour attaches and indicating social security status in terms of universal health insurance in Bodrum,
– Recognisance form

Which health services do the foreign nationals benefit from in Bodrum ?
Universal health insurance includes the treatment of illnesses except for chronic illnesses which occur before the date when foreign nationals are regarded as universal health insurance holders or their dependants.

Is it possible for the dependants of foreign nationals under universal health insurance to receive healthcare services in Bodrum ?
On condition that they reside in homeland territory, except for those who study abroad, and are not insured under the legislation of any country, foreign nationals
– Partners,
– Children under the age of 18,
– Unmarried children under the age of 20 in case of receiving high school education,
– Unmarried children under the age of 25 in case of receiving university education,
– Unmarried children who are ascertained disabled regardless of their age,
– Parents who are identified to be looked after by foreign nationals according to the criteria determined by the Institution, shall benefit from healthcare services.

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